Naughty Little Doggie, které vydal Iggy Pop v roce 1996.
Tak se zaposlouchejte a pokochejte fotkama, které mnohé vysvětlují. :)
A proč to všechno? Protože nic co děláme není bez určité logiky. Tady jsou nová trika Sable Starr! :)
Cenu trika zatím stanovujeme na 300,- Pokud máte zájem o mikinu nebo jiný střih trika, šaty, košili apod. není problém se domluvit individuálně. Navíc akce: vyfoťte se v našem triku a dostanete odznáček Sable Starr!
This time, no more long stories. The song sometimes says more than thousand words. It comes from an album Naughty Little Doggie by Iggy Pop released in 1996.
Have a listen and enjoy the pictures that that explain a lot. :)
And why all this? Because everything we do has a certain logic. Here's the new Sable Starr T-shirt! :)
This time, no more long stories. The song sometimes says more than thousand words. It comes from an album Naughty Little Doggie by Iggy Pop released in 1996.
Have a listen and enjoy the pictures that that explain a lot. :)
And why all this? Because everything we do has a certain logic. Here's the new Sable Starr T-shirt! :)